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Services – A.Kazakauskienės Šeimos Gydytojo Kabinetas

   +370 5 2650812, +370 612 11890



Health screening/assessment

Pre-employment health screening and physical examination, occupational health screening

-Health assessments for Fitness to drive based on medical standards

-Health assessment for civilian firearms licensing

Preparticipation physical evaluation in sport activity (excluded who are under care of sport medicine)

Health screening before entering professional schools

Health screening before going abroad to work or study

Travel vaccination

Clinic obtains a certificate for travel vaccination. The vaccines you need will depend on factors like destination, duration, activities, accommodation, prior vaccinations, and local outbreaks. We do yellow fever vaccinations and provide vaccination certificate.

Disease prevention

1. risk assessment for prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – primarily heart and lung diseases, cancers, and diabetes – are the world’s largest killers,
2.Prevention of communicable diseases

Shared Antenatal Care

For registered patients

Children Care

Observation and evaluation of child development from newborn, immunization, routine yearly preschool check ups

Chronic disease monitoring and management

The annual review of their general health and current medications of patients with chronic disease e.g., Hypertension, COPD/Asthma Diabetes, Chronic kidney disease, etc.

Repeat prescriptions for registered patients

Therapeutic massage

Primary care service carout-of-hours (OOH)

During normal practice opening hours, the practice remains the first point of contact for all routine requests. On weekends, bank holidays, when clinic is closed service is carried out by Duty doctor in Centro policlinic: Pylimo street 3 (central entrance), room 105, contact phone (8 5) 251 4063.
Primary dental service is carried out by Odontology clinic Dantita: Pylimo street 14A-28. Tel+37060791990
Primary care mental health service is carried out by Zirmunu Mental Health Center. Address: Žirmūnų street 67a; phones: +37067254232, +37060414591 or clinic chosen by patient.